Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLP

Federal Prompt Payment Stakeholder Engagement Process Extended

On Tuesday, April 10th, 2018, Public Services and Procurement Canada announced that in response to industry feedback, it would be extending the term of the Expert Review of Prompt Payment and Adjudication on Federal Construction Contracts until May 31st, 2018. This extension is intended to provide additional time for construction industry stakeholders to provide their views, whether in person or in writing, on promptness of payment and the efficiency of dispute resolution in the federal context. Industry stakeholders now have until April 30th, 2018 to provide their written comments.

Singleton Reynolds’ partners Bruce Reynolds and Sharon Vogel were retained on January 30th of this year to review federal prompt payment procedures in the construction industry. Together with members of the Singleton Reynolds’ Vancouver and Toronto teams, they have been travelling across the country conducting meetings with industry stakeholders. To date, they have conducted nearly 50 engagement sessions in major Canadian cities and met with over 500 stakeholder representatives.

Following this extension, Reynolds and Vogel will review the feedback received and will prepare a recommendations package for the federal government. This report is intended to inform and develop an effective legislated solution that will direct terms of payment and provide for an adjudication process for federal government contracts.

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